Monday, February 4, 2013

Balance Pose

The life out of balance is a symptom. There's weakness and overwork and strain somewhere that you can't beat into shape, it needs to be restored.

The other night I was at a yoga class.

 I was rocking it, 

then came the balance poses.

All those little stabilizing muscles were worn out and I was swaying like a reed in the wind.

So, what should we do when our lives are out of whack and we can't hold it together?

First, we need to stop.  Halt.  Freeze. Desist. If I'm completely out of control, this is the hardest thing to do, but it is always the first step.  There is no course correcting when I'm at the end of my rope because there is no room to maneuver at the end of a rope!

Second, we listen.  Once we are at a full stop, then we start to listen for God's voice.  This doesn't mean we just wait for Him to hit us on the head with some heavenly message.  We ask Him to speak.  He waits for us to ask for bread.  It's part of the relationship, the asking.

Please.  Give me ears to hear.

Next, we receive His healing willingly and without putting any parameters on what we will and will not accept from Him.

I will take what You give me.

 This is often the hardest thing for me because too often I think that I'm going to be punished.  So I remind myself
Perfect love casts out fear, because fear has to do with punishment.

God is our healer.  We take to Him our hurts and ask for help.  Frustration (really another word for anger) comes when we do not take our hurts to the Father.  We try to fix our wounds on our own and it never works.

Please, heal me.

God has used the most unlikely things to heal me.  Why?  I think because I ask Him to.  Because I ask Him to come into my life and to make it holy.  Little by little, spreading through the day until my whole life is spent walking with Him. 

And what about the yucky places?

Those icky sticky sin type places in my life?

I can't ask God to come there?

Yes.  You can.  That's exactly what I'm saying.  You invite Him into your messed up, rotten life and He goes around making it beautiful.  Fixing stuff.  Organizing things.  Getting rid of the junk.  Scrubbing that nasty spot in the corner that you've been hiding with furniture.  And when you see how He's doing it, you want to participate.  You want to go around making things just a little prettier, a little more beautiful, a little more wholesome.

So, what happens when you make a mess of things, again?  Easy. You go to Him again.  And once you've started doing it, you don't want to stop, because you see how much better your life is looking on the inside.   Your heart starts to clear up.  Your limp starts to go away.  That gash in your arm isn't gangrene anymore.  The Doctor is looking after you and soon you'll be on your feet again, good as new.

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